Monday, March 21, 2011


Most often, I make the meals. But Ethan and I sometimes like to create YuMMy food together. I think it's so sweet of him to join me in the kitchen sometimes, especially since he knows I'm not really much of a kitchen girl.  And we have so much fun together! I always tell him he's an awesome chef (because he is!). But he always denies it and says I'm way better. That's two second borns for you.

Before we were married, I was so afraid I wouldn't be able to make good food. (am I alone here?)

I had helped my mom in the kitchen, but rarely had I been in charge (except baking bread, I did that for our family and my "business"). Mostly cuz I didn't want to be! I preferred creative work and the outdoors. And I had been travelling and working on different movies for the past year.

I've actually found I enjoy making food for him though! And Ethan tells me my food is SuPer yummy and he doesn't know why I was afraid I couldn't cook. Thank you Lord! He says I've never made something he doesn't like... except the yogurt and fruit I added fish oil to, not knowing what it was. I know I'm bound to make some not so good meal sometime, but I'm grateful it can be an exception and not the norm like I was afraid it would be!

Thanks for encouraging me in cooking Ethan, and helping me feel more confident! And for doing it with me sometimes. It's so much fun together!  


Here's our Saturday afternoon brunch we made.


Deliciously browned sausage and fried eggs with cheese melted on top and refried beans on the side. Finished off with homemade bagels topped with cinnamon and xylitol, and steaming coffee. And of course the ever present spicy toppings, hot sauce and Uncle Joe's famous Diablo Dust (Ethan's Uncle makes it from his hot peppers. We LOVE it!)


Ashley L.


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