Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring "Fever"

This last week and a half has been rather strange. I think it's the first time I've gotten sick like that in two years. My husband was so sweet. He would bring me tea for my sore throat, remind me to take my vitamins, and just take care of me.

The first night I was sick, I slept that afternoon and woke up hungry. Little did I know this was just the start of a week long date with the couch. I tried to get up and stumbled to the kitchen. Just travelling those few feet made me tired. Ethan came out to join me and we discovered we were both rather hungry. We couldn't get our minds - or tastebuds - off hamburgers. Yummy, juicy, and loaded with tomato, onion, and lettuce.

With an eager smile, Ethan led me to the couch, "Now you sit down. I'm gonna make some hamburgers for you. You don't have to do anything." I laughed as well as I could laugh in that state. Finally, I relented and sank onto the couch, out of breath already. Before long, I moved to a chair where I could watch him, my heart overflowing with his tenderness and sweetness as I watched him earnestly working away in my kitchen. Me being me, I didn't quite manage to keep myself there, I got up to help a little, but he did almost all of it, and it was SO GoOd!

I won't lie, and lying wouldn't do any good anyway, because all of you married people know the truth, we have our bad times, our hard times, but the good times, the special friend who's always there, the connection you share in life, the struggle to know the Lord and His will and to forge our way through life TOGETHER... it overwhelms the hard times. Completely. I spent the next four days on the couch, and much of the following days I found myself sitting down for a rest or falling asleep. Let's just say, my respect for mothers who get sick rose considerably last week!


As soon as I was able to be up and about, Ethan and I got out our soil and planting trays. And away we planted! We're so eager for Spring! I think we planted our lettuce too early. you're not even supposed to start it ahead, but the thought of yummy, crisp lettuce from our own garden took us over until we found ourselves pushing the little seeds into the little planting trays. And two days later, this is what we saw:



Now we just have to wait for the other plants to emerge! Where we live, we won't be able to plant outside until April at least. But it's fun to see the little green buds peeking out of the soil. It makes me feel like bare toes are on the way!



~ Ashley L





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Little things to brighten our day. Beauty in Gentleness Speck of Joy Serenity